The Witcher developer CD Projekt Red also previously discussed the feature's inclusion for the PlayStation 4 version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. "You're going to download a chunk of the game, get the menu and first level, and while you're playing the first level we can start downloading the second in the background," Killzone developer Guerrilla's technical director Michiel van der Leeuw explained in a new developer diary (thanks, OPM). Sony previously mentioned that you'll be able to play PlayStation 4 games while they're downloading, but this is the first time we've heard more specific details on how little you'll need to have on your hard drive.

I don't get a box for my collection, I have to hope there is no problem with the Internet connection (or the power), or I don't get my game, and somehow, this is supposed to be so very attractive.Download the digital copy of Killzone: Shadow Fall and you'll be able to start playing the game as soon as its first level and main menu are downloaded. It costs the same as a physical copy, which I could pick up in a matter of 15 minutes from any one of a dozen local stores. So, I have to wait for many, many hours for a game I just bought to download. Guerrilla says players with a "decent" Internet connection should be able to finish that part of the download in a "single evening." Then the download would be complete the next morning, if everything goes smoothly. And for Killzone, you can start playing when the file has reached 7.5GB. Well, you could take advantage of the PS4's new PlayGo system, which lets you start playing a game before it's fully downloaded.

That hard drive is upgradeable, of course, but still… Yes, Shadow Fall is 10 times bigger than Killzone 3 and the art assets of the new title take up a ton of space, but what about the time it takes to download? Is that meaningless? Now, Infinity Ward recently revealed that the file size for Call of Duty: Ghosts would be about the same, which means that with only two games, you will have filled 80GB of the available 500GB of the PS4's hard drive. Why everyone is enamored with digital delivery is beyond me, and here's a good example of why I'm confused: Developer Guerrilla Games confirmed to Eurogamer that the file size for Killzone: Shadow Fall will be about 40GB 39.7GB for the European version, 37GB for the localized versions.

Killzone: Shadow Fall Is Nearly 40GB, Ghosts Is Another 40GB… OctoBen-Dutka - 71 Comments Killzone: Shadow Fall Is Nearly 40GB, Ghosts Is Another 40GB.